ADRK>> |
Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V. |
Relaunch Web Site
The ADRK has appointed MD Software & Design with the relaunch of the web site.
“With this relaunch of the web site our digital appearance will be modern and dynamic, same as the ADRK itself” announced Dr. Herrmann – Managing Director of the ADRK e.V. – and continues:
The homepage is the calling card of an association as well as the breed Rottweiler. A technical and content overhaul was overdue. With the supply of MD Software & Design we can re-start now.
Michael Dudenko - Managing Director for MD Software & Design - a hooked fan of Rottweilers, understood his duty not only in the design of the site, he also wanted to change the perception and the image of the breed Rottweiler.
Focus wise we prepared specific targets, a clear structured design as well as a service platform for members, potential members and rubbernecks.
Simply based bottoms and thematic blocks provide an optimal user experience and combine in a modern manner with new well-tried.
Reports and Information should be more accessible through search tools in the near future.
In the new ADRK Website itself – newcomers and “old-hands” should feel comfortable. Also the handling should be easier.
The content of the existing web site will be increased by some affective images. As we have integrated WEB 2.0 also members and users without media participation can attend.
It is our plan to extent our global community of Breeders, interested persons and Fans of Rottweiler.
It is a huge task to rollout this web site, therefore we are planning this in three steps :
1st step – restructuring of the existing content, moving to CMS (Content Management System) as well as a new design till end of 2014.
02/2015 the new web shop shall be started followed by a gradual introduction of more services around the association.
Auf dieser Seite können Sie sich Firmenlogos, Werbebanner und sonstiges Bildmaterial herunterladen, das vom ADRK e.V. offiziell zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle ADRK Logos und sonstiges Bildmaterial dem Markenschutz unterliegen und gesetzlich geschützt sind. Bitte informieren Sie uns (, bei Publikationen, wofür Sie das Logo verwenden möchten.
Ziel der Rottweilerzucht ist ein harmonischer, fest und stark gebauter, den Rassekennzeichen entsprechender Begleit-, Blinden-, Dienst-, Gebrauchs- und Familienhund von höchster körperlicher und charakterlicher Leistungsfähigkeit. Das Streben unserer Züchters ist stets darauf gerichtet, die Rasse nicht nur zu vermehren, sondern Form und Wesen auf breiter Basis zu erhalten und zu festigen.
Unter Rassekennzeichen versteht man die durch den berechtigten Zuchtverein erarbeitete Zusammenstellung von Merkmalen und Eigenschaften, die jeder Hund dieser Rasse möglichst ausgeprägt aufweisen soll. Dabei legt man das erstrebenswert erscheinende Idealbild, den sogenannten Musterhund (Rasse-Standard), zugrunde. Zuständig für die Festlegung und Ergänzung der Rassekennzeichen ist der Zuchtverein des Landes, dem der Ursprung der Rasse zuerkannt worden ist. Beim Rottweiler ist das der ADRK e.V. Der ADRK schickt den Kennzeichen folgenden Leitsatz voraus.
Die Rottweilerzucht erstrebt einen kraftstrotzenden Hund, schwarz mit rotbraunen, klar abgegrenzten Abzeichen, der bei wuchtiger Gesamterscheinung den Adel nicht vermissen läßt und sich als Begleit-, Blinden-, Dienst-, Gebrauchs- und Familienhund in besonderem Maße eignet.
Alle übrigen Länder, soweit sie der Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) angehören oder mit diesem Verband in Vereinbarung stehen, sind verpflichtet, die Rassekennzeichen des Ursprungslandes einzuhalten, wodurch eine weitgehende Gewähr für übereinstimmende Zucht-, Beurteilungs- und Bewertungsmaßstäbe gegeben ist.
The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin goes back to Roman times. These dogs were kept as herder or driving dogs. They marched over the Alps with the Roman legions, protecting the humans and driving their cattle. In the region of Rottweil, these dogs met and mixed with the native dogs in a natural crossing. The main task of the Rottweiler now became the driving and guarding of the herds of cattle and the defence of their masters and their property. This breed acquired its name from the old free city of Rottweil and was known as the „Rottweil butcher’s dog“.
The butchers bred this type of dog purely for performance and usefulness. In due course, a first rate watch and driving dog evolved which could also be used as a draught dog. When, at the beginning of the twentieth century, various breeds were needed for police service, the Rottweiler was amongst those tested. It soon became evident that the breed was highly suitable for the tasks set by police service and therefore they were officially recognized as police dogs in 1910.
Rottweiler breeders aim at a dog of abundant strength, black coated with clearly defined rich tan markings, whose powerful appearance does not lack nobility and which is exceptionally well suited to being a companion, service and working dog.
The Rottweiler is a medium to large size, stalwart dog, neither heavy nor light and neither leggy nor weedy. His correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build leads to the conclusion of great strength, agility and endurance.
The length of the body, measured from the point of the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %.
The Rottweiler is good-natured, placid in basic disposition, very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work. His appearance is natural and rustic, his behaviour self-assured, steady and fearless. He reacts to his surroundings with great alertness and at the same time even-tempered.