Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Rottweiler agency

A Rottweiler puppy can be found via the central puppy exchange in the ADRK office or via the advertisements in our monthly club magazine "Der Rottweiler" or on the ADRK homepage. The Rottweiler puppies of the ADRK originate from controlled breeding sites. The ADRK possesses one of the strictest breeding regulations in the VDH. This was created for the well-being of our race and for the protection of the puppy buyers. Only a healthy breed guarantees joy with and around our Rottweiler. Further down you will find a list of all Rottweilers that have been checked by the ADRK and are listed. If you would like to place a Rottweiler yourself via the ADRK e.V., simply fill out our form and send the paid application.

Care must be taken with Rottweiler offers from animal magazines or daily newspapers. Most of these are Rottweilers from uncontrolled breeds. Make sure that both parents have passed the ADRK breeding suitability test and let the breeder show you the ADRK litter acceptance certificate. Furthermore, the pedigree on the title page must bear the VDH and FCI logo as shown on this information sheet.


Category Legend:

Dog - Dog older than 6 months;       Emergency - Emergency with recognized papers;       Animal shelter - Emergency placement - Animal shelter / Animal welfare / Private


Breeding class Legend:

KLZ - Kör- + performance breeding;    KZ - Körbreeding;    LZ - performance breeding;    GZ - working dog breeding;    EZ - single breeding;    AD - international breeding file


CategoryKennelsBreed ClassZIPLocationLitter DateFiling DateId
WelpeVon ImmenstettenEZ92277Hohenburg05.05.202410.06.202410842
WelpeVom BocksbachtalLZ76307Karlsbad02.05.202414.06.202410845
Welpevon OstsachsenEZ01906Burkau12.05.202418.06.202410848
WelpeVom Erler Teufelsstein GZ46286Dorsten18.05.202423.06.202410851
Welpevom Willicher WappenEZ47803Krefeld16.05.202424.06.202410854
WelpeVom Hortus Palatinus GZ74918Angelbachtal13.06.202430.06.202410860
Welpe1562 von der ReuthwieseLZ90427Nürnberg15.06.202413.07.202410881
WelpeVom Küstriner VorlandEZ15306Seelow18.06.202424.07.202410893
WelpeVom Hortus Palatinus GZ74918Angelbachtal13.06.202412.08.202410899
WelpeVon Shambala EZ52156Monschau 28.06.202415.08.202410902
Welpevom LuchwegEZ15806 Zossen05.07.202428.08.202410905
Welpevon der Terra SigillataEZ76764Rheinzabern14.08.202405.09.202410911
Welpevom Willicher WappenLZ47803Krefeld15.09.202401.10.202410971
WelpeEZ27367Horstedt 19.09.202411.10.202410974
WelpeVom HohenschrambergLZ49740Haselünne16.09.202413.10.202410977
WelpeVon der BlütenstadtEZ53547Hümmerich13.09.202420.10.202410980
WelpeVon der Drachenhöhle LZ78588Denkingen17.10.202423.10.202411172
Welpevom LindensteinGZ98646Straufhain OT Linden14.10.202426.10.202411175
WelpeVom Kreuzgraben EZ67071Ludwigshafen am Rhein07.11.202410.11.202411202
HundVon der Felsenschlucht LZ66892Bruchmühlbach-Miesau 01.02.202410.11.202411205
Welpevom Oberlausitzer TorEZ01877Schmölln-Putzkau11.11.202415.11.202411208
Welpevon der BlockhütteLZ96515Sonneberg10.02.202511.02.202511448
WelpeVom Lindenstein GZ98646Straufhain OT Linden23.02.202524.02.202511454
Welpevom Eichener See GZ79650Schopfheim 17.02.202527.02.202511457
Welpevom Spöcker Wald LZ76297Stutensee 11.02.202501.03.202511460
Welpevom LuchwegEZ15806Zossen22.01.202506.03.202511463
Welpevon der BleichstrasseEZ75245 Neulingen06.01.202513.03.202511469
Welpevom Hause RoninLZ79639Grenzach-Wyhlen12.03.202519.03.202511475
WelpeVom Rothemühler ForstEZ17379Rothemühl16.03.202521.03.202511478
WelpeRottweiler vom Wyhler NäschtEZ79369Wyhl14.01.202525.03.202511481

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