Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

JLPP - Juvenile Laryngeale Paralyse und Polyneuropathie

Dear Rottweiler Friends,

The article on JLPP sets out in detail what is in this severe disease, how it is inherited, and how and why it must be fought. Although it is hoped that the disease is not yet widespread, complete testing of all breeding animals must continue.

It is expressly emphasized that at most adult dogs are carriers of the disease, even if they can not fall ill, because the disease had shown at a young age.

As of November 1, 2016, breedings may only be carried out with animals that have been tested for JLPP. This means that of all the animals that are to be found in breeding use, an oral mucosa sample must be taken and evaluated, and the result must be entered in the pedigree. Assay vials can be requested at the Office. A sample (in duplicate) must be taken by an LG-breed warden, breeding judge or veterinarian. Together with the completed examination Orders, to be found on the ADRK website (forms), send the sample to the laboratory Laboklin for investigation. After presentation of the result, a copy will be sent along with the pedigree of the dog upon the entry to the Office.

Before mating, the owner of the dogs involved must access the pedigree to verify that each pairing is permitted in the future.

ADRK Executive Board

Download this file (JLPP_englisch.pdf)JLPP - Article