Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.


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Youth work has a long tradition in the ADRK e.V.

Young people / offspring is gladly welcome, not only of our 4-legged friends, also from our remaining members. The work with our teenagers belongs to our club tradition and is the basis for the future

In order to offer our youth members their own platforms we have revised our Homepage and we amplified the Social Media “Facebook”. The work with the youth takes on an important role in our association.

Recognize the Rottweiler as a friend

Teenagers in our association are learning the life in a community that is characterized by tolerance and responsibility. Already the attitude of a Rottweiler makes demands such as a regularity in daily routine. Over the years, Rottweiler and Teenagers grow together and become friends and teams. To such an individual experience to be added: - the positive group experience!

Achievements in training and success at performances encourage the self-assurance and the trust in the own capabilities. This trend is supported by many other activities of the country and regional groups: Excursions, camps and competitions followed by festive evenings. Quite naturally the youth is growing up inside the ADRK e.V. – our future inside the whole association.


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The ADRK e.V. has more than 4500 members and the number is rising steadily. As ADRK member and owner of a Rottweiler you have the choice to participate at all public events of the ADRK, e.g. Breed-shows, IPO Trials and ZTP. You can also get an overview of breeders, veterinarians, laboratories as well as information about country and regional groups of the ADRK. The monthly magazine “Der Rottweiler” includes interesting articles, shows publications of all country and regional groups and announces everything about health and training of our Rottweiler.

The Art of Rottweiler Education

The social integrity of Rottweiler and the potential to develop have made him one of the most loyal breeds. When the Rottweiler once found his place inside the family pack he will be a faithful friend and protector.

Take the advantage of our association and invest the time of training/educate your Rottweiler. A badly behaved Rottweiler is not well prepared for contact with other dogs or with other humans and other animals on the streets or at a walk in the nature. Please bend the pre-judgement by joggers, cyclists or your neighbours by educating your Rottweiler properly with our help.

We are pleased with the interest that you have shown in the household and family dog Rottweiler, and thank you, if you want to apply for membership in ADRK e.V.

Dog Sports

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dog sports

Before the true Dogs Sports, each dog needs to pass the Companion-Dog-Test in which he shows that he masters basic instructions and behaviours which are useful in the daily life. The Dogs Sports itself is divided into different sectors, e.g. Agility, Tournament Dogs Sports, Flyball, Mantrailing. However, the main focus of the Rottweiler sport is on the sector of working and tracking dog. These sectors are exercised in the Versatility Sports for Working Dogs (VPG which is conducted according to the International Trial Regulations (IPO). The trial is divided into the following three sectors:

  • Tracking
  • Obedience
  • Protection
Tracking – Section A

At the tracking the Rottweiler has to search a fixed distance in a given time frame and has to remit some placed items. This tracking has to be prepared by the dog leader (at the training) or at the exam itself by a third party the so called track layer.

Obedience – Section B

At the obedience the focus is on different sit, settle and standing exercises. Added exercises with step- and direction changes, Retrieve on level ground as well as over obstacles and to send the dog forward with settle down. The exercises need to be done fast and precisely.

Protection – Section C

In this section of the trial the Rottweiler is exposed to several extreme situations in which he has to be under the control of the handler all the time, and he has to obey the orders. It is important that he shows the changing behaviours, which are required, accurate, stable, fast and at a high level. Exercise parts are: search for the helper, hold and bark, prevent an attempted escape and defence of attacks.


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You have informed yourself extensively about the breed Rottweiler and have decided to buy a Rottweiler. In order to find a reputable breeder, you have taken the first right step. You found our Homepage. All ADRK-breeders which are shown on our Homepage, comply with all legal stipulations as well as all requirements of the ADRK:

  • Professional competence in handling and keeping the Rottweiler
  • Tidy and tendered kennels
  • Settled character and robust appearance of the parent animals
  • Health controlled by veterinarians
  • Earliest socialization of puppies
  • Optimal care of Rottweilers
  • Possibility to visit the breeder several times
  • Interest in the buyer as well as in the future home of the puppy
  • Compliance with the breed standard

Mitglied Werden

Breed Classes

The ADRK e.V. represents more than 1000 breeders out of 21 regional groups and 127 local groups. They all influence the breeding classes of the puppies. This can also affect the price of the puppy. In general, puppies out of higher breeding classes are more expensive. As result, puppies of Koer- und Leistungszucht (KLZ) cost more than such out of a Einfache Zucht (EZ). Totally we have 5 breeding classes:

  • KLZ = Koer- und Leistungszucht (Koerung and Performance Breeding)

    Both parents have got a Koerung and grandparents have got a working title

  • KZ = Koerzucht (Koerung-Breeding)

    Both parents have got a Koerung

  • LZ = Leistungszucht (Performance-Breeding)

    Both parents and all grandparents have got a working title

  • GZ = Gebrauchshundzucht (Working-Dog-Breeding)

    Parents have got a working title

  • EZ = Einfachzucht (Basic Breeding)

    Only one parent has got a working title

All puppies from our breeders are surveyed by a Breed Warden as well as by a veterinarian. Included in the purchase price are the first vaccinations, identification by microchip as well as a pedigree.

If you are searching for a puppy from a breeder, than please have a look into our breeder directory. All mentioned breeders from Germany which are shown there are recognized by the ADRK e.V.

Inclusion to the Breeders Directory

In case, you as a breeder want to get included into the breeders directory please use the form for links. You can use a pdf-file or a standard word-file. The column ZN contains the ADRK-Kennel Number.


The breeder as well as the owner of the stud dog have to inform themselves before the mating about the admissibility of the mating. All actual breeding values can be requested from the main office. The breeding values of the mates must not be older than 3 months.

Take a look at our matings in order to get an overview of the matings of other breeders.

As a member of the ADRK you can also contact our Breed Wardens in case of questions in keeping and breeding. They will advise and inform you about consequences that may arise by wrong breeding.

Welcome to ADRK Homepage

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