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Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V. |
After careful consideration the ADRK board decided to cancel the Klubsieger-Zuchtschau und the German Championships of Working Dogs (DM IGP) of this year.
It will be considered later whether the Herbstkörung (Koerung in autumn) and die German Championships of Tracking Dogs (DM FH) can happen.
First signs of relaxing of bans for using sports grounds are coming up in individual federal states. So there is a chance, that from June on events like trials or ZTPs can take place again. This is supposed to be adjusted between the individual breed and dogs sports clubs and will be announced promptly. In case of any doubts the local regulations are binding.
An overview of the current regulations for sports clubs and sports grounds can be found on the site of the DVG.
Liebe Rottweilerfreunde,
"Der VDH-Vorstand empfiehlt aufgrund der aktuellen Gefährdungslage durch das Coronavirus, Ausstellungen / Versammlungen / Qualifikationen / Prüfungen etc. bis zum 31.05.2020 abzusagen. Die Situation wird täglich neu bewertet und die Empfehlung ggf. angepasst."/