Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Tag des Rottweilers

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Am 28. Mai wird in Rottweil der "Tag des Rottweilers" gefeiert werden.
Gemeint ist in diesem Fall der vierbeinige Rottweiler, auch wenn natürlich alle zweibeinigen Rottweiler ebenfalls eingeladen sind, diesen Tag mizufeiern.

Tad d RW 280517

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ADRK again member of the IFR

On the delegate´s meeting 5th of May 2017 in Kragujevac, Serbia, the ADRK became again a member of the IFR.
According to the statutes the president of the ADRK, René Külzer, was appointed as honorary president of the IFR.

Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich was elected as a IFR board member.

New Board 2016

2.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.75 (4 Votes)

On the General Assembly 23rd of April 2016 besides the boad the committees and the representatives were elected, too.
In office are now:

President René Külzer
Vice President Rüdiger Schmidt
Main Breed Warden Edgar Hellmann
Main Training Warden Erwin Klöck
Head of Judges Werner Walter
Editorship Kerstin Glier
Breeding Committee Edgar Hellmann (Head), Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich, Hans-Jürgen Radtke
Training Committee Erwin Klöck (Head), Rainer Dersch, Anton Spindler
Committee for Head Office, Financial, and Legal Affairs René Külzer (Head), Ulrike Grube, Siegmund Trebschuh
Representative for Public Relations Kerstin Glier
Representative for Animal Protection Siegmund Trebschuh
Representative for Rescue Dogs Roswitha Messinger
Cash Auditor Silke Dersch

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