Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

ADRK-WM (IPO) 2017

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.00 (8 Votes)

Sieger WM 2017

Congratulations to the World Champion of the ADRK World Family (IPO) 2017, Johanna Nivala from Finland with Heizelwood Iron, followed by Markus Maaser with Nero vom Nero vom Dormblick and Rainer Dersch with Bambam von den Wichtelhäusern.

Allgemeine Informationen
Name 4th ADRK World Championship of working dogs (IPO)
Date 28.-29.10.2017
Place Altenbürg-Sportzentrum 76689 Karlsdorf-Neuthard
Organiser BG Westheim e. V.  & HSV Karlsdorf-Neuthard e. V.
Trial Director Anton Spindler
Judge A Rüdiger Schmidt
Judge B Roland Seibel
Judge C Vincent Solare (F)
Tracking Director Richard Berning
Helpers Kenny Goetelen (B), Steffen Kübler, Alex Rodriguez (USA), Mike Schwabe
  Results, Report, Pictures

Please note: Date of vaccination against rabies and name & adress of the veterinary are required.

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