Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

ADRK-WM (IPO) 2017

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.00 (8 Votes)

Sieger WM 2017

Congratulations to the World Champion of the ADRK World Family (IPO) 2017, Johanna Nivala from Finland with Heizelwood Iron, followed by Markus Maaser with Nero vom Nero vom Dormblick and Rainer Dersch with Bambam von den Wichtelhäusern.

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ADRK-WM (IPO) 2016

1.1428571428571 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.14 (7 Votes)

The winners of the 3rd ADRK World Championship 2016

Rank 1: Cristiano Cavallo with Cash, 284 points, rank 2: Harald Baur with Ando vom Quant, 284 points, rank 3: Dmitry Dudukin with Cid vom Rottberg, 282 points

Sieger klein 3ADRK WM 2016 A4 k

General Information
Name  3rd ADRK World Championship of working dogs (IPO) from 28.-30.10.2016 in Rottweil
Date 28.-30.10.2016
Place Rottweil, Ground of BG Rottweil-Süd, Römerhof 2, 78628 Rottweil
Trial Director Erwin Klöck
Organizer BG Wolfenbüttel u.U. & BG Rottweil-Süd e.V.
Working Judge A Hans-Jürgen Radtke
Working Judge B Geert Verlinden (B)
Working Judge C Anton Spindler
Tracking Director Richard Berning
Helpers Jörg Schwabe, Kenny Goetelen (B), Björn Allgaier (Substitute), Mike Schwabe (Substitute)
Track Layers Peter Gempp, Andreas Glier, Dietmar Fluck, Wolfgang Bach
Closing Date 09.10.2016
Preliminary Catalogue with all important information

Please note: Date of vaccination of rabies and name & adress of the veterinary are required.

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ADRK-WM (IPO) 2015

0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 0.50 (6 Votes)
General Information
Name ADRK World Championship of working dogs (IPO) from 24-26.04.2015 in Eschweiler-Dürrwiß
Date 24.-26.04.2015
Location Eschweiler
Test manager Anton Spindler
Performance judge A Erwin Klöck (ADRK)
Performance judge B Enzo Monaco (I)
Performance judge C Heiner Pellenwessel (ADRK)
Tracking management Karl-Heinz Nieratzky (ADRK)
Aide Mario Bobrowski, Markus Maaser - Fabian Uebbing, Marcel Wissing
Tracklayer Klaus Blecher, Franz Hillemacher, Aki Schichler, Egon Weiß, Walter Wiesler

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ADRK-WM (IPO) 2014

1.0714285714286 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.07 (7 Votes)
Allgemeine Informationen
Datum 20.06.2014
Ort Rottweil
Prüfungsleiter Dr. Manfred Herrmann (ADRK)
Leistungsrichter A Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich (ADRK)
Leistungsrichter B Joep Selders (NRC)
Leistungsrichter C Roland Seibel (ADRK)
Fährtenleitung Roland Seibel (ADRK)
Helfer Marcel Wissing, Björn Allgaier
Fährtenleger Dietmar Fluck, Nils Freund, Michael Wilkesmann, Enzo Catarasso

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