Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

The office of the ADRK is responsible for administrative and organization activities, like applications, registrations, cancellations, entries in stud book and trials book, etc. All correspondence has to be done via this office.
Suedring 18, 32429 Minden
Lockbox 400 222, 32400 Minden

Telephone support
Mo. - We. 09:30 - 11:00 a.m. and 02:00 - 03:00 p.m.
Thu. 09:00 - 11:00 a.m. and 02:00 - 04:30 p.m.
Fri. 09:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Phone +49 571 50 40 40
Fax +49 571 50 40 444

The Board is responsible for all affairs of the association insofar as it is not assigned to another institution of the association through the statutes.

The Breeding Committee consists of 3 members. It is their duty to draw up all the breeding terms and to keep the cynological research up-to-day. The members shall be familiar with genetics, breeding terms and all questions belonging to the breeding itself.

The Training Committee is consisting of 3 members as well. It’s their duty to take care of all training regulations and to keep them up-to-day. The members should be familiar with all questions around training and IPO regulations.

Committee for Economic-, Office- and Legal affairs The Committee consists of 3 members. The assignment of this committee is to support the Managing Board in all economic and legal affairs. The Committee also has to support the Main Office of ADRK. All its members should be familiar with legal and commercial management.

As per recommendation of the ADRK Managing Board or the Executive Board of the respective Regional Group a Honour-Judge can be appointed, after having finished his career. He can be nominated for special tasks such as training courses.

They have to advise the Managing Board support it in executing resolutions. They are bound by instructions given by the Managing Board. The election of the representatives is done by the “Beiratshauptsitzung” / General Meeting.

This Council treats all issues belonging to judges, candidate judges as well as “Körmeister”. He is choosen by all Breeding and Performance Judges, formally in written. This Council is consisting also of 3 members.

A Performance-Judge is qualified as per his activities for the VDH and due to his skills in his final exam. Afterwards he can get his nomination from the ADRK e.V. as well. The Judge is evaluating the shown benefits on the trials. He is bound on the ADRK trial regulations as well as to the VDH regulations.

A Breeding-Judge will be appointed for individual breeds and he has the allowance only for this breed. The valuation of the dogs has to be done as per the standard of the FCI.

Koermeister are competent persons, which receive their certification from the VDH. They are experienced due to their practical experience as dog handlers, trainers and training knowledgeable within the meaning of the VDH.

The IT Service MD Software & Design is responsible for layout and administration of the Homepage, supply of services as well as the external Webshop MD WorX.