Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

General Information


The "Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (ADRK) e.V." is a nation-wide association based in Minden/Westfalen. It is currently the only association in Germany taking care of the breed of Rottweiler and the only association which is recognized by the VDH e.V.

The VDH is the umbrella organization for all in Germany approved Dog Breeding-Clubs as well as some Dogs-organisations.

As a member of the VDH e.V., we are also a member of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) based in Bruessels. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation. It includes 90 members and contract partners (one member per country) that each issue their own pedigrees and train their own judges.


The statutes of the ADRK describe the purpose of the association as following:

  • Fixing the breeding marks
  • Preservation, stabilization and consolidation of the properties of the (trace-) companion, service- and working dog
  • Increase the character as well as the physical capabilities of the Rottweiler
  • Control of the breeding and education
  • With the objective of promotion the Rottweiler as a service dog for all public authorities, as guide dog as well as rescue dog.
  • Guidance of all members with their breeding and attitude of Rottweilers
  • Advise of all the members in questions of canine
  • Assistance by purchasing Rottweilers as well as helping in case the member has to hand over the Rottweiler to a third party
  • It is our task to arouse the interest of the breed Rottweiler especially to show Teenagers as well as all other people the versatility of working with our Rottweiler as well as the breeding
  • Assessment of the breeding rules as well as the rules of the judges
  • Implementation of ZTPs, Koerungen and IPO trials
  • Record and publication of the stud book
  • Sponsorship and supporting of sanctioned dog shows as well as IPO trials of the country and district members of the ADRK Germany
  • Supporting the targeted training of the Human-Dog Team in the individual sectors
  • We execute national and international Championships in order to support the comradeship in the dog sports
  • Encouragement of scientific research in the field of cynology
  • Cooperation with all joint ventures of Rottweilers in the whole world
  • Education and appointment of breed & performance judges
  • Publishing the Rottweiler-News as well as advertise Rottweilers about breeding, training and application

The sphere of influence of the ADRK e.V. is currently Germany. From this point of view the activities are limited to Germany. Therefore it is not possible to have a ADRK breeding station as well as ADRK Trials in foreign counties.


As per today we do not have any home-animal protection law with mandatory regulations for the breeding of home-animals, each person is allowed to mate two random dogs without having any kind of health Certificate or any test of character of the dogs. After the mate he is allowed to sell those puppies as a Breeder.

Often, the result out of this is that the dogs look like a pure bred dog but the character of the dogs as well as the health is a far cry from this.

Inside the ADRK e.V. it is only allowed to mate two Rottweiler with well-known ADRK derivation, pedigree, radiologic test of hip- and elbow joints as well as successful passed companion dog test and well as breed suitability test.

The main target is to breed social acceptable Rottweilers with a huge number of applications.

This will be ensured due to:

  • Breed selection
  • Elimination from breeding
  • Strict restrictions worldwide
  • Monitoring of the Breeder

The implementation is done by:

  • BH (Begleithundeprüfung) companion dog test
  • IPO Trials
  • ZTP (Zuchttauglichkeitsprüfung) breed suitability test
  • Dog Shows
  • Workshop for Breeders with expertise tests as well as the acceptance of the breeding station through the breed warden