Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

At the ADRK World Championships in eventing for working dogs according to the International Examination Regulations (IPO) handler may participate with their dogs from all countries belonging to the ADRK World Family. The dogs have got the working title IPO III, and also the competition is carried out in this test stage.

The ADRK World Winner Show is a show with participation of dogs from all over the ADRK World Family. It takes place every year in another country.

The Federal Winner Show is an International Dog Exhibition, organised by the German Kennel Club (VDH), which is carried out in October in Dortmund. From ADRK a special show for Rottweiler is affiliated, where ADRK judges are operating.

The German Championship for Tracking Dogs is the last major sporting event of the year and usually takes place on the first weekend in November at different locations. The test level is currently FH II.

The German Championships in eventing for working dogs (VPG), which has recently been adopted to the International Examination Regulations (IPO) is conducted in the testing stage III and usually takes place in early October. Organizer of the event is a regional group of the ADRK who has applied for.

These breed surveys are breeding tests for those dogs that are suitable for breeding already, but are above average in its exterior and its performance. Participation is voluntary. A Koerung is held in the spring - usually in mid-May - and in the autumn - usually mid-September.

These breed surveys are breeding tests for those dogs that are suitable for breeding already, but are above average in its exterior and its performance. Participation is voluntary. A Koerung is held in the spring - usually in mid-May - and in the autumn - usually mid-September.

The IFR-WM is the World Championships of the International Rottweilerfriends.

The Club Winner Show (Klubsieger-Zuchtschau) has long been the largest and most important exhibition of the Rottweiler world, where dogs from many countries are presented. It takes place at the end of August and is organised by a regional group of the ADRK.

Sichtungspruefungen serve to qualification for the German Championship (IPO) of the VDH, which usually takes place in early August at various locations and the various clubs and associations can send teams there. On the other hand, helpers who want to be used for larger events can also present themselves (Helfersichtung).

Under this heading results of events, which take place once or very rarely are listed.

The VDH European Winner Show is an International Dog Exhibition, organised by the German Kennel Club (VDH), is carried out in May in Dortmund. From ADRK a special show for Rottweiler is affiliated, where ADRK judges are operating.

The German Championships in eventing for working dogs (VPG) of the German Kennel Club (VDH), which has recently been adopted to the International Examination Regulations (IPO) is conducted in the testing stage III, usually is held in early August. Participants are entered from those member clubs of the VDH, which care for working dog breeds.

The German Championship for Tracking Dogs of the Association of the German Kennel Club (VDH) is usually held in February and is now carried out in accordance with the international examination regulations (IPO) as IPO-FH. Participation is open to dog handlers and their dogs from the VDH member clubs.

On youth tests young, dog enthusiastic members have the possibility to show what they have already learned with their dogs. The breed and the conformation of the dog do not matter.

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