Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2024

1.45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.45 (10 Votes)

Basic Information
Event 52nd Klubsieger-Zuchtschau at BG Ostsaar
Date 31.08./01.09.2024.2024
Place Lakaienschäferei 1, 66538 Neunkirchen
Host BG Ostsaar
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Paul-Dieter Viehoff
Judges Claudia Meixner, Sandra Reck, Rüdiger Schmidt, Anton Spindler, Substitute: Werner Walter
Closing Date 1st closing date: 01.07.2024, 2nd closing date: 01.08.2024
  Immigration requirements, Einreisevorschriften
Schedule Admission of dogs:                 8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about  9.30 o´clock a.m.
Results Results

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2022

0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 0.50 (6 Votes)

Flyer Reichsstadtschau 2022 kklubsieger2022poster kKatalog k

Basic Information
Event 50. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau bei der BG Rottweil und Umgebung e. V.
Date 17./18.09.2022
Place Rottweil
Host BG Rottweil und Umgebung e. V.
  Katalogwerbung / Advertising
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Judges Edgar Hellmann, Uwe Petermann, Guido Räppold, Werner Walter
Closing Date 1. closing date: 14.08.2022, 2. closing date: 28.08.2022
  Immigration requirements, Einreisevorschriften
Schedule Admission of dogs:                8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about  9.30 o´clock a.m.
Vaccination Cards Due to the requirements of the veterinary department all vaccination cards have to be dropped by collecting the starting numbers.
They will be returned together with the documents after the show.
Results Results

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2019

0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 0.50 (6 Votes)

Klubsieger2019 k
ADRK Entwurf KSZ2019

Basic Information
Event 49. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau hosted by BG Bückeburg e. V.
Date 31.08/01.09.2019
Place Bückeburg
  Advertising or send your ad directly to
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Paul-Dieter Viehoff
Judges Prof. Peter Friedrich, Ramona Radtke, Anton Spindler, Siegmund Trebschuh
Closing Date 1. closing date: 21.07.2019, 2. closing date: 04.08.2019
  Immigration requirements, Einreisevorschriften
Schedule Admission of dogs:             8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about 9.30 o´clock a.m.
Vaccination Cards Due to the requirements of the veterinary department all vaccination cards have to be dropped by collecting the starting numbers.
They will be returned together with the documents after the show.

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2018

1.0714285714286 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.07 (7 Votes)

 KS PosterKS Poster 1Katalog KSZ 2018

Basic Information
Event 48. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau hosted by BG Westheim e.V
Date 08./09.09.2018
Place Sportsground Am Unteren Griesweg 1 · 67363 Lustadt
Results Results
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Judges Edgar Hellmann, Claudia Meixner, Rüdiger Schmidt, Paul-Dieter Viehoff
Closing Date 1. closing date: 29.07.2018, 2. closing date: 12.08.2018
Schedule Admission of dogs:             8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about 9.30 o´clock a.m.
Vaccination Cards Due to the requirements of the veterinary department all vaccination cards have to be dropped by collecting the starting numbers.
They will be returned together with the documents after the show.
Catalogue Ads Full Page DIN A5:  50 €
Half Page DIN A5: 25 €
Contact: ADRK Office

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2017

1.1428571428571 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.14 (7 Votes)


Basic Information
Event 47. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau hosted by BG Augsburg e.V.
Date 19./20.08.2017
Place Sportanlage des TSV Täfertingen, Weishauptstraße 17,
86356 Neusäß (Augsburg)
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Judges Uwe Petermann, Hans-Jürgen Radtke, Siegmund Trebschuh, Helmut Weiler,  Substitute: Edgar Hellmann
Closing Date 1. closing date: 08.07.2017, 2. closing date: 22.07.2017
Schedule Admission of dogs:             8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about 9.30 o´clock a.m.
  Results, Catalogue with Results

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2016

1.8333333333333 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.83 (9 Votes)


Basic Information
Event 46. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau at the BG Dessau u.U. e.V.
Date 27./28.08.2016
Place Alte Landebahn, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau (old air port area)
Show Manager Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Judges Edgar Hellmann, Rüdiger Schmidt, Anton Spindler, Paul-Dieter Viehoff
Closing Date 1. closing date: 17.07.2016, 2. closing date: 31.07.2016
Schedule Admission of dogs:             8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about 9.30 o´clock a.m.
Greetings ADRK President René Kuelzer, ADRK Main Breed Warden Edgar Hellmann

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Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2015

0.57142857142857 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 0.57 (7 Votes)

ADRK KSZ2015 g

Basic Information
Event 45. Klubsieger-Zuchtschau organized by BG Rheinhausen-Oestrum
Date 29th and 30th of August 2015
Venue Reitanlage am Breitscheider Weg 34C, 40885 Ratingen-Lintorf (51,341797 6,822507)
Chairman Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Judges Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich, Hans-Jürgen Radtke, Siegmund Trebschuh, Helmut Weiler,
Substitute: Rüdiger Schmidt

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