Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2024

1.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.20 (5 Votes)

Basic Information
Event 52nd Klubsieger-Zuchtschau at BG Ostsaar
Date 31.08./01.09.2024.2024
Place Lakaienschäferei 1, 66538 Neunkirchen
Host BG Ostsaar
Entries Entry Form (DOC), Entry Form (PDF), Online
Show Manager Paul-Dieter Viehoff
Judges Claudia Meixner, Sandra Reck, Rüdiger Schmidt, Anton Spindler, Ersatz: Edgar Hellmann
Closing Date 1st closing date: 01.07.2024, 2nd closing date: 01.08.2024
  Immigration requirements, Einreisevorschriften
Schedule Admission of dogs:                 8.00 o´clock a.m.
Beginning of judging: about  9.30 o´clock a.m.
Judges Arrangement
Baby Class    
Youngest Class    
Youth Class I    
Youth Class II    
Intermedium Class    
Open Class    
Working Class    
Champion Class    
Veterans Class    
Breed Groups Judges Committee
Offspring Groups Judges Committee

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