Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

VDH-DM IPO 2016 - Results

1.1428571428571 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.14 (7 Votes)

General Information
Date 05.-07. August 2016
Place Mettingen

VDH-DM IPO 2016 - Ergebnisse

Congratulations to the ADRK-Team, which came off very well on the Deutsche VDH-Meisterschaft der Gebrauchshunde of this year.
They endet with the following ranks:

  • Andreas Wunderlich with Caylee von der Bismarkhöhe - rank 18 with 95  91  87  273 pts.  SG
  • Harald Bauer with Ando vom Quant - rank 23 with 93  85  90  268 pts.  G
  • Rainer Dersch with Bambam von den Wichtelhäusern - rank 38 with 91  84  75  250 pts.  G
  • Martin Johannes with Chila vom Kuchenberg - rank 44 with 75  82  90  247 pts.  G
  • Matin Jonietz with Brooklyn von der Drachenhöhle - rank 42 with 70  83  92  245 pts.  G

All Results

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