Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Breeding Class

Within the ADRK e.V. the following breed classes exist:

Table of Contents:

KLZ          KZ          LZ          GZ          EZ          AD

KLZ = Koer- und Leistungszucht (Koerung and Performance Breeding)

Both parents have got a Koerung and grand-parents have got a working title.

KZ = Koerzucht (Koerung Breeding)

Both parents have got a Koerung.

LZ = Leistungszucht (Performance Breeding)

Parents and Grandparents have got a working title.

GZ = Gebrauchshundzucht (Working-Dog-Breeding)

Parents have got a working title.

EZ = Einfachzucht (Basic Breeding)

Only one parent has got a working title.

AD = Auslandsdeckakt (Foreign Bitches are bred with an ADRK stud dog)