Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

Relaunch Web Site

Relaunch Web Site

The ADRK has appointed MD Software & Design with the relaunch of the web site.

“With this relaunch of the web site our digital appearance will be modern and dynamic, same as the ADRK itself” announced Dr. Herrmann – Managing Director of the ADRK e.V. – and continues:

The homepage is the calling card of an association as well as the breed Rottweiler. A technical and content overhaul was overdue. With the supply of MD Software & Design we can re-start now.
Michael Dudenko - Managing Director for MD Software & Design - a hooked fan of Rottweilers, understood his duty not only in the design of the site, he also wanted to change the perception and the image of the breed Rottweiler.
Focus wise we prepared specific targets, a clear structured design as well as a service platform for members, potential members and rubbernecks.
Simply based bottoms and thematic blocks provide an optimal user experience and combine in a modern manner with new well-tried.
Reports and Information should be more accessible through search tools in the near future.
In the new ADRK Website itself – newcomers and “old-hands” should feel comfortable. Also the handling should be easier.
The content of the existing web site will be increased by some affective images. As we have integrated WEB 2.0 also members and users without media participation can attend.

It is our plan to extent our global community of Breeders, interested persons and Fans of Rottweiler.

It is a huge task to rollout this web site, therefore we are planning this in three steps :

1st step – restructuring of the existing content, moving to CMS (Content Management System) as well as a new design till end of 2014.
02/2015 the new web shop shall be started followed by a gradual introduction of more services around the association.