Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

When we grow up, we fight criminals

Duisburg - Excitedly Anton, Amigo, Artur and Antonia run around the yard of the police station in Duisburg-Neudorf. The four Rottweiler puppies are fighting over each other.


Photo: Marc Vollmannshauser

At the moment it's still playful, but already in a few months the dog quartet will take care of law and order.

"Woof! When we are big, we hunt criminals!"


Dog leader Henrik Richter, Iris Spieß and Jörg Leis (from left to right) with the puppies

Photo: Marc Vollmannshauser

The Rottweilers originate from a litter of nine puppies - it is already the third generation in the police service. Grandfather Festus and Papa Quintus were already service dogs of the Duisburg police.

Source: Picture, 19.01.2017