Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V.

The ADRK e.V. has more than 4500 members and the number is rising steadily. As ADRK member and owner of a Rottweiler you have the choice to participate at all public events of the ADRK, e.g. Breed-shows, IPO Trials and ZTP. You can also get an overview of breeders, veterinarians, laboratories as well as information about country and regional groups of the ADRK. The monthly magazine “Der Rottweiler” includes interesting articles, shows publications of all country and regional groups and announces everything about health and training of our Rottweiler.

The Art of Rottweiler Education

The social integrity of Rottweiler and the potential to develop have made him one of the most loyal breeds. When the Rottweiler once found his place inside the family pack he will be a faithful friend and protector.

Take the advantage of our association and invest the time of training/educate your Rottweiler. A badly behaved Rottweiler is not well prepared for contact with other dogs or with other humans and other animals on the streets or at a walk in the nature. Please bend the pre-judgement by joggers, cyclists or your neighbours by educating your Rottweiler properly with our help.

We are pleased with the interest that you have shown in the household and family dog Rottweiler, and thank you, if you want to apply for membership in ADRK e.V.