IFR-WM 2017

0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 0.50 (7 Votes)

Congratulations to the ADRK-Team for the Team Worldchampion of the IFR 2017 and to very good individual perfomances!
Team WM DSCN8279

General Information
Name IFR World Championship 2017 IPO
Date 24. - 27.08.2017
Place Stadionlaan, 2340 Beerse, Belgium
Organizer Belgischer Rottweilerclub
Trial Director Dirk Vandecasteele
Working Judges A: Vincent Solare (F), B: Rick Zainel (NL)
C: Alfons Van den Bosch (B)
Helpes Sect. C Marino Verkindere, Carl Onbelet, Bart Dessers
   Results Teams, Results Individuals

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